Climate change in the United States

Results: 10828

51Climatology / Climate change / Natural environment / Climate change policy / Human impact on the environment / Global warming / Climate history / Environmental movement / Environmental issue / Politics of global warming / Greenhouse gas / Climate change in the United States


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Language: English - Date: 2015-06-12 15:18:53
52Africa / International relations / Island countries / Islands of Africa / Member states of the African Union / Member states of the United Nations / Small Island Developing States / Nairobi Convention / Seychelles / Ronald Jumeau / Indian Ocean Commission / Indian Ocean

Western Indian Ocean Coastal Challenge Progress Update 1 26 February 2013 The Vision of the Western Indian Ocean Coastal Challenge (WIO-CC) “By 2032, in the face of climate change threats, the Western Indian Ocean Coas

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Language: English - Date: 2013-11-21 16:32:24
53California / Natural environment / Climate change policy / Air pollution in California / Environment of California / Energy / Energy policy of the United States / Global Warming Solutions Act / Climate change mitigation / Emissions trading / Low-carbon economy / Low-carbon fuel standard

2030 Target Scoping Plan Concept Paper State of California 2030 TARGET SCOPING PLAN UPDATE CONCEPT PAPER June 17, 2016

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Language: English - Date: 2016-06-17 17:59:47
54California / National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration / United States National Marine Sanctuary / Protected areas of the United States / Chumash people / Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary / Marine protected area / Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary

Ocean Recreation in MPAs Opportunities for Relevance Chiara Zuccarino-Crowe NOAA, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries Innovators Think Tank on Climate Change and Coastal & Marine Tourism

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Language: English - Date: 2015-07-28 09:21:46
55Natural environment / Climate change policy / Environment of the United States / Climatology / Environment of California / Air pollution in the United States / United States Environmental Protection Agency / Emissions trading / Carbon finance / Acid Rain Program / Regional Clean Air Incentives Market / Clean Air Act

Page 1 LEXSEE 18 PACE ENVTL. L. REV. 87 Copyright (cPace University Law Review Pace Environmental Law Review Winter, 2000

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Language: English - Date: 2016-04-11 12:01:21
56United States / Tennessee / Al Gore / Climate change in the United States / Middle Tennessee State University / Albert Gore Sr.

How the Gore Papers Came to MTSU by David Grubbs, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Political Science Active Faculty at MTSU, 1966 to 1994 After Senator Albert Gore, Sr., was defeated for reelection to the U.S. Senate in 1970, h

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Language: English - Date: 2013-02-19 19:23:40
57California / West Coast of the United States / League of Women Voters / Oakland /  California / Alameda /  California / Transportation and Land Use Coalition / East Bay Bicycle Coalition / Arnold Schwarzenegger / Barbara Boxer / San Francisco Bay Area

LWVBA VOTER January 2008 Bay Area League Day - Friday, February 22, 2008 Our annual Bay Area League Day will address "Transportation Solutions to Climate Change", at Nile Hall, in Preservation Park, in Oakland (around th

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Language: English - Date: 2008-01-03 14:47:14
58Environment of California / California / Air pollution in California / Environment of the United States / United States / Bay Area Air Quality Management District / California Air Resources Board / Pollution / Clean Air Act / California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment / 350 Bay Area / Climate change litigation and the California Environmental Quality Act

League of Women Voters of the Bay Area An Inter-League Organization of the San Francisco Bay Area

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Language: English - Date: 2015-08-24 23:32:31
59California / West Coast of the United States / United States / Climate change policy in the United States / Politics of California / California Proposition 23 / Global Warming Solutions Act / California Proposition 39 / California Proposition 218


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Language: English - Date: 2010-09-16 13:31:03
60Carbon finance / Emissions trading / Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative / Climate change policy / Climate change / Natural environment / United States / Regional climate change initiatives in the United States

Microsoft Word - Acadia_Center_2016_RGGI_Report-Measuring_Success_FINAL_160726

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Language: English - Date: 2016-07-27 16:23:21